Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cause I'm feelingGroovy

If you post a comment on my blog in the next 15 minutes i.e., until 2 PM EST ( yep, past comment counts in the drawing) I will put your name in a drawing for a groovy ring of your choice, plus a word bead) Just tell me what makes you feel GROOVY.


    The sun shining today is making me feel groovy!
    Oh and I'm listening to Citizen Cope radio on my Pandora today! :)

  2. Today is making me feel groovy: good coffee this morning, crisp fall breeze through the open studio window, too much fun at the Blog OPen House - and my allergy meds have kicked in!

    Showed pix of your beads to my teenage ceramics students during their first class. Handed them clay and letter stamps... thanks for the inspiration!

  3. What makes me feel groovy? It can be anything - I prefer to let the little things in life make me happy instead of waiting for the big things...But, it can be making the *perfect* whatever I'm working on :o) Or doing something silly and fun with my husband...Or teaching one of the cats a new trick (like Talbot who now likes to drink water out of the faucet...hubby hates that trick...)...

    And a really cute ring would make me feel groovy too (heehee)

  4. Beads, beads beads make me feel groovy!

  5. the freedom i feel in the woods with no technology around me ~ if i could only bring my supplies and work out there, you'd never get me back! :0)

  6. Having Sunday morning coffee with my hubby and checking out your beads is making me feel very groovy!

  7. Groovy---when I say words like "spaz" or "dude" in front of my students and they eat it right up!
    thanks for the chance at your giveaway.

  8. I have to agree with Jenny... caffeine! Any shiny things hanging from my neck:)


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