Thursday, February 10, 2011

Soup Weather

We have been clobbered by snow and cold weather for so long it feels like I live in the frozen tundra.
It's soup weather for sure and I wanted to share the ingredients from my Bead Soup Partner the lovely and talented Amanda Cargill Austin of Sea Shore Glass.

In truth I received these beads over a week ago but between the snow days and my daughter home from school for a teachers mental health day, I have fallen behind once again. (not to mention they were camouflaged in the anarchy on my desk for a few days)

But I have been working.

This is the way to the studio

This is how I dress to load the kiln.

These are my feet walking out to the kiln.

This is the trail I leave.
It's definitely soup weather.


  1. oh my, and i was complaining that i looked like a bale of laundry out loading my get the gold star for treking out in the tundra to load your kiln..brrrr

  2. I can't wait to get home from vacation and tear into my stack of mail that has stacked up, I hear one of the packages might contain my bead soup from you :) That snow doesn't look too fun :(

  3. Wooow... Im sure glad my kiln is going to be placed closer to the font door....just a few steps under the carport and I can go in to that working space that is also heated a bit...
    Lots of pretty things You have made there with happy colors!!

  4. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I feel your weather pain ... it has been beyond awful here in eastern PA, and we haven't gotten near the snowfalls that the Great Lakes regions have seen ... I have, however, been a fan of Sea Shore Glass for awhile though. You have some great looking soup ingredients there. Can't wait to see what you make!

  5. Lovely soup! And I love your houses! And is it terrible to say I love snow? Last year we got a ton, but it seems to run in a seven-year cycle here. We get a lot, then six years none, then whammo.

  6. Oh my what weather!! I love your little houses. Went right over to your shop to see if you had any :(
    Looking forward to what you make with the lovely beads from Sea Shore Glass.


  7. Your soup looks like fun, and I also love the little housies!

  8. It does look like soup weather! Look forward to seeing what you make :)

  9. love mix of beads..wish we had gotten some of that snow!


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