Wednesday, May 28, 2014

6 more days!

It will be 6  days until I leave for Bead and Button. I am trying desperately to tie up all the loose ends at home and get all my beads finished.   I am also trying to stay calm but things are slightly more desperate then usual. On April Fools day,  I broke my ring finger on my left hand, and did soft tissue damage to two other fingers. The healing process has been slow and painful and I have not been very speedy in my production work as I struggle with  a wonky grip.

In addition to my beads,  I am making some finished pieces of jewelry to show case them.
I have been playing with the  Now Thats A Jig™. The last bead shows,  I have been  next to Brenda Schweder and her helper Tracy Bell, watching them show people how to use the jig.  I decided I needed one after  watching and listening for hours.

I am exploring all sorts of possibilities with the jig. New things emerging make really excited and I forget that the clock is ticking down to the show. 
I hope I'll have a new body of finished work to show by the time the show rolls around.
experiment #1


  1. You are amazing even with one hand tied behind your back! Have a great show, Diane! :)

  2. Wow - you keep going. Awesome work.


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